This Is Why You Can't Give Honey To Babies, It Can Cause Infant Botulism

YOGYAKARTA – In adults, honey has many benefits. Such as providing energy intake to increase endurance. However, honey should not be given to babies less than 12 months old. The reason, because it can cause infant botulism.

Infant botulism is a rare but serious digestive condition caused by exposure to Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum) spores. Launching the Mayo Clinic, Thursday, July 14, bacterial spores can grow and multiply in the baby's intestines and then produce harmful toxins.

Ways to protect your baby from infant botulism include avoiding exposure to soil or dust containing C. botulinum spores. Soil and dust contaminated with C. botulinum spores, most likely near construction and agricultural sites or other areas where soil is disturbed.

In addition, infant botulism can also occur if the baby eats food in which the spores that produce the toxin reproduce. According to studies, these foods are raw honey and even packaged honey. Canned food at home can also be contaminated with C. botulinum spores.

Symptoms experienced when exposed to spores, such as experiencing constipation. Usually accompanied by a hard straining motion. In addition, the baby may feel lethargic and have difficulty sucking or suckling. If you experience this, it is recommended to immediately seek medical help or consult a pediatrician.

In treatment, the doctor will give an antitoxin called Intravenous Botulism Immune Globulin (BIGIV). Doctors need to give it as soon as possible so that it recovers quickly and is not at risk of getting worse. Because if the poison affects the respiratory muscles, the baby may need to be on a breathing machine or ventilator for several weeks until they get stronger. Exposure to C. botulinum spores can also affect the muscles of swallowing, so usually requires intravenous fluids or feeding through a tube to get food.

Citing Kids Health, experts aren't sure why some babies develop botulism while others don't. The way to anticipate it, do not give honey and any processed food that contains honey before the baby is 1 year old.