Greetings! 1 Brimob Platoon Deploys To Help Residents Clean Up Thick Mud Leftover From Central Maluku Flood

MALUKU - Maluku Police deployed a Brimob platoon to help residents of Kaitetu Country, Leihitu District, Central Maluku, clean up the thick mud left over from the floods that occurred a week ago.

“The Maluku Police sent a Brimob platoon to help the Kaitetu residents there. Including bridges that collapsed and damaged houses," said Acting Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes Pol Denny Abrahams in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 12.

He said that since the heavy rains that hit Ambon City and its surroundings with high intensity, the Maluku Police Chief had ordered personnel to be alerted to prevent the impact of the disaster following heavy rainfall in recent weeks.

"The Kapolda has also emphasized that Brimob and Sabhara must be ready to take a stand in anticipating this high-intensity rainy weather," he said.

According to him, the Maluku Regional Police will see developments that occur, what losses the Kaitetu residents have experienced, to coordinate with the Maluku Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and the Social Service, so that residents receive social assistance.

"The point is, we'll see how it progresses, we'll see what the losses are, how many residents have fled, then we'll push social assistance there. We will definitely do that," he said.

A resident of Iksan Kiat said that the Maluku BPBD had visited residents to survey locations affected by the flood.

“Earlier, a survey was only conducted to check the location where the levee had broken. The next step, they will try to coordinate with the center first, he said, "said Iksan.

He mentioned that the Moluccas Police Mobile Brigade had also set up an emergency post, and helped the community clean the prayer room and a number of residents' houses which were full of mud due to the flood.

"The Brimob has established an emergency post, then we, Brimob and several other Kaitetu residents participated in cleaning the prayer room and residents' houses," he said.

In addition, Iksan added that from the beginning the residents had also set up a monitoring post to be on guard every night.

Currently, he continued, no assistance has come from anywhere for residents affected by the floods in Kaitetu.

"We haven't returned to our respective homes yet, because we haven't been able to re-occupy them. The mud is still full, there are even some houses where the mud is still as high as an adult's calf,” concluded Iksan.

It was reported that five days ago, dozens of houses in Kaitetu Country, Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency (Malteng) were flooded.

The flood occurred after heavy rains flushed Ambon Island since last week. As a result, the Wailoy River overflowed and submerged people's homes.