There Are 19 Omicron Subvariant BA4 And BA5 Patients At Wisma Atlet
JAKARTA - The Wisma Atlet COVID-19 Emergency Hospital (RSDC) noted that 32 patients were positively infected with the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus, 19 of which were subvariants BA4 and BA5.
"BA4 has five people and BA5 has 19 people, the other is Omicron, there are 8 people", said the Head of Public Relations of the Wisma Atlet Hospital, Colonel Dr. Mintoro Sumego, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 12.
Mintoro said the 32 people had been declared cured by the team of doctors at the Wisma Atlet RSDC and had been allowed to return to their respective homes.
"For the Omicron variant itself, to this day those who are being treated at Wisma Atlet are no longer available because they have been declared cured", he said.
He explained that of the 32 people, 17 were men and 15 were women. Then of the 32 people, 12 are foreign travelers and 20 are domestic travelers.
Mintoro explained that data on 32 Omicron patients and their subvariants had been collected since the government announced the BA4 and BA5 subvariants that had entered Indonesia.
The findings regarding 19 patients with the Omicron subvariance were also strengthened by the examination of samples by the Ministry of Health's Litbangkes.
The first new BA4 and BA5 subvariants were reported in Indonesia on June 6, 2022. The first four cases consisted of 1 BA4 positive person, an Indonesian citizen with asymptomatic clinical conditions, who had been vaccinated twice the remaining 3 positive BA5 cases.
According to the report, the transmission of BA4 and BA5 has the possibility of spreading faster than the Omicron BA1 and BA2 subvariants.
Meanwhile, judging from the severity of BA4 and BA5 there is no indication of causing more severe pain than other Omicron variants.
There are three countries, namely South Africa, Portugal, and Chile, where the increase in COVID-19 cases is associated with an increase in BA4 and BA5 cases.
Meanwhile in Indonesia, with the beginning of BA4 and BA5 cases in early June 2022, it is estimated that the peak spread of cases will be in early July 2022.