Not Gold Or Coal Reserves, Sri Mulyani Reveals The Most Valuable 'Treasure' Of The Republic Of Indonesia

JAKARTA – The most valuable asset is family. This is a snippet of the lyrics of an electronic cinema song titled Keluarga Cemara which was sung by the Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, in front of the selected young generation in the education program of the Ministry of Finance for One Country.

According to the Minister of Finance, this program is an initiative to build communication and openness to Indonesian Diversity among the younger generation.

"Indonesia's most valuable treasure is all of you. For that, be a generation that will really continue to learn, will continue to hone your mind, heart, attitude, speech so that you become fully human", he said through a virtual channel on Tuesday, July 12.

The Minister of Finance added that the younger generation has an important role in protecting Indonesia in the future. Efforts to strengthen the sense of nationality are considered important to ensure that integrity and unity can continue to be embedded.

“When you are young like you, you must realize that this is a very valuable asset of our nation. You all have it, don't let it go, don't damage it and we'll take care of it together", he said.

For information, the Ministry of Finance for One Country program is an annual agenda which this time was attended by 150 students and junior high school students. Of these, 20 of them are participants who come from the frontier, remote and underdeveloped areas (3T).

Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia also provides the planting of 12 basic values of peace, conducting dialogue with religious leaders, deepening the concept of critical thinking and digital literacy, as well as learning about how to manage the State Budget (APBN).

"I hope that while you are participating in this program, you will be able to provide additional provisions for you to be able to protect the Republic of Indonesia. In fact, it can transform Indonesia into a developed country. You must be able to be the seeds that strengthen unity. Hopefully, everything can be embedded in your souls and minds", concluded the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.