Jusuf Kalla Kenang Together With Shinzo Abe On Many International Events

JAKARTA - The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla mourns the passing of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was shot dead by Yamagami Tetsuya while campaigning at the Ya Mithaidaiji Station, Nara.

Quoted from Antara, Friday, July 8, Kalla assessed that Shinzo Abe was not only a co-worker as a leader of the country, but they personally had warm friendship.

"I have often been together in several international conference activities," said JK in Jakarta.

Historically, JK does have a business partnership with Japan. While accompanying Joko Widodo as President in the Working Cabinet, JK made several state visits when Shinzo Abe served as Prime Minister of Japan.

One of the memorable meetings with Shinzo Abe was when JK was a speaker at the UN Disaster Conference in Sendai, Japan, on March 14, 2015.

At the conference, JK delivered a speech calling on the international community to help Japan get out of the impact of the Fukushima tsunami natural disaster.

"Japan is a rich and modern country. However, helping Japan is a sign of world solidarity with every country that is hit by natural disasters like Japan," said JK during the conference.

Shinzo Abe's departure for Jusuf Kalla was felt as a big loss for an Asian figure who has been persistent in fighting for cooperation, especially the economy and maintaining regional peace.

Shinzo Abe is a Japanese politician who has served as PM for four terms. He was shot while delivering a political speech in Nara on Friday.

After suffering two gunshot wounds from behind, Shinzo Abe was medically evacuated by helicopter to a local hospital in collaboration with Nara Medical University, Japan.

As a result of the gunshot wound, Shinzo Abe suffered a heart failure which caused him to die.