Thousand Islands Regent Ready To Propose Vessel And Helicopter Charges

JAKARTA - The Thousand Islands Regent Junaedi stated that he is ready to propose the withdrawal of the levy for private ships and helicopters that come, even stay overnight in the archipelago in the DKI Jakarta Province.

Until now, he said, there is no legal umbrella to cover the policy if it is enforced.

"Currently, it is free, there is no retribution. Even though there are many ships but they are still free, especially helicopters which are rare. We will propose it later because there is currently no legal umbrella," Junaedi said on Pramuka Island, Seribu Islands, Thursday, June 30.

This was disclosed by Junaedi following the information that Pulau Panjang was in the status quo (cannot be operated and developed), but there were no airfield and helipad facilities there.

Junaedi will submit a letter to the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan so that there will be regional income through the levy for parking of private boats and helicopters, including for tourism purposes in the Thousand Islands apart from public needs such as fishing and public transportation.

"We can only propose to the governor through a letter so that there is Regional Original Revenue (PAD) from user fees like on land," he said.

Although the DKI Jakarta Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) for 2023 is currently being discussed at the DKI Jakarta DPRD, the Thousand Islands Regency has not proposed it because it is still oriented to basic needs.

Currently, his party is focusing on basic needs such as repairing and beautifying the existing dock. Of the six existing piers, repairs have not yet been carried out.

"That's the priority. After the repair of the pier, there will be a retribution that we can take, but the decision rests with the provincial government," he said.

The proposal, said Junaedi, could be carried out as early as 2023. However, the proposal is not necessarily approved even though it has great potential for regional income.

"Yes, hopefully it can be proposed in the near future. We only proposed it because I saw that many large ships and small ships docked and spent the night," he said.

That which has no retribution. "That's actually what we have to look for in terms of retribution. If we park the car for two hours, we have Rp. 30 thousand," he said.

Regarding the results of the inspection, the Chairperson of the DKI DPRD Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, Junaedi stated that he was ready if summoned by the DKI Jakarta DPRD to provide an explanation regarding the operational issues of Pulau Panjang to retribution.

"I am ready to fulfill (the summons), I will explain. My job is to build. I am ready, I will explain all problems," he said, quoted by Antara.

Previously, Prasetyo found suspected illegal activities related to the existence of an unmanaged airstrip that currently has a helipad on Panjang Island.

This was discovered by Prasetyo and his entourage when they visited the island which is land belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and saw several places there since 11:17 WIB on Thursday.

According to Prasetyo, there should be reports and updates in the DKI asset report if the facilities on the island are used or utilized so that they should be recorded as regional income.