Kemenkominfo: ASN Play An Important Role In Digital Transformation
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) said that the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) plays an important role in digital transformation in the country.
"State Civil Apparatus (ASN) plays an important role in digital transformation in the country. Therefore, it is important to provide training on digital literacy", said Director of Information Empowerment at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Bonifasius Wahyu Pudjianto, in a written statement in Jakarta, Saturday, June 25.
The Ministry of Communication and Information in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) held a Training of Trainers (ToT) for Government Sector Digital Literacy for ASN.
He added that this activity opened the horizon that digital literacy is very important.
"Just as with Calistung or reading, writing, and arithmetic when we were young, digital literacy cannot be separated from our lives at this time", he explained.
This activity encourages ASN to recognize and adopt digital technology and is directed to become trainers to educate digital literacy in the government sector in supporting the achievement of the cumulative target of 50 million literate people by 2024.
Based on the Indonesian National Digital Literacy Index Survey conducted by the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Katadata Insight Center in 2021, it was stated that Indonesia was still in the "moderate" category with a figure of 3.49 out of 5.00.
On that occasion, he added that ASN has the potential to be an important aspect in accelerating the digital transformation to increase the National Digital Literacy Index.
The Ministry of Communication and Information collaborates with various Ministries and Institutions at the central and regional levels to develop ASN competencies and increase knowledge about digital technology and its development.
The Head of Center IV for the Development of Functional and Technical Competencies of BPSDM Ministry of Home Affairs, Dian Andy Permana, welcomed and enthusiastically welcomed the collaboration and collaboration between the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Ministry of Home Affairs, especially in increasing digital literacy capacity.
"This is a good moment to add quality for the Widyaiswara (Civil Servant) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, it will increase their abilities and points", said Dian.
The training is one of a series of activities in the Indonesia Makin Cakap Digital program initiated by the Ministry of Communication and Information. The program targets various regions in Indonesia and targets 50 million people to get digital literacy by 2024.