Two Weeks Again Tax Amnesty Volume II Ends, How Much Trillion Does The State Pocket?

JAKARTA – The implementation of the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) is only a few days away. Since it was rolled out on January 1, the tax amnesty scheme will be completed on June 30. This means that taxpayers (WP) who are 'stubborn' and have not reported their previous assets only have about two weeks left.

Citing a broadcast released by the Ministry of Finance, it is known that as of Tuesday, June 14 at 08.00 WIB there were 75,938 taxpayers participating in the PPS. From them, 90,088 certificates were obtained with a declaration value of assets reaching Rp. 163.18 trillion.

This value consists of a declaration of assets in the country and repatriation funds from abroad amounting to Rp. 142.64 trillion. Then, the declaration of assets abroad amounted to Rp. 12.10 trillion and that which went into government investment instruments was Rp. 8.42 trillion.

Meanwhile, revenues that go directly to the state treasury in the form of Income Tax or PPh are stated at Rp. 16.31 trillion.

For information, the Voluntary Disclosure Program is part of the spirit of fiscal reform as contained in the Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP) and has been agreed upon by the government and the DPR. Through this regulation, taxpayers have the opportunity to 'repent' by compensating for the imposition of a lower levy rate than normal conditions.

The Ministry of Finance itself had given a statement that it would impose a tax rate of up to 200 percent for taxpayers who were found not to have reported previously acquired assets.

As a comparison, the tax amnesty volume II this time is quite behind from the tax amnesty volume I book which was held in 2016 to 2017. At that time, the government claimed to have succeeded in reaping revenue of Rp. 135 trillion from 956,000 taxpayers with a property declaration value of around Rp. 4,800 trillion.