60 Percent Of Patients At Wisma Atlet PPLN, The Sample Is Being Studied To Make Sure It Is Free Of Variants BA.4-BA.5
JAKARTA - Head of the TNI Health Center, Major General Budiman, said that 60 percent of the 43 COVID-19 patients receiving treatment at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran are foreign travel agents (PPLN).
"Based on more detailed data, 60 percent are from overseas travelers (PPLN), while 40 percent are local, yes, domestic ones", Budiman told reporters at Tower 1 Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, June 14.
His party is still examining the COVID-19 virus which infected 43 patients who were treated at the COVID-19 Emergency Hospital (RSDC) Wisma Atlet Kemayoran.
His party sent samples from patients treated to the Health Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Balitbangkes Kemenkes RI, to ascertain whether there were the latest variants of COVID-19, namely variants BA.4 and BA.5.
"But what is clear is that we are treating those who are confirmed positive for COVID-19 here", he said.
In addition to treating patients who are confirmed positive for COVID-19, the Wisma Atlet Hospital is also prepared by the government to be a place of isolation for the people of Jakarta and PPLN whose homes do not have a place for self-isolation.
For PPLNs who have not carried out complete vaccinations, they must undergo quarantine. Furthermore, PPLNs who have carried out complete vaccinations will be considered safe and by government recommendations.
On the occasion, Budiman also explained that the recent increase in Indonesia was in line with the government's prediction after the long holiday. The government has also ordered it to always be on standby so that this increase is under control.
"Everything is under control. The government has ordered to continue preparations due to predictions of an increase in cases after the long holiday. We have prepared that", said Budiman.
The preparedness of the Wisma Atlet Hospital does not depend absolutely on the number of patients, said Budiman, because the Hospital also has other roles, namely helping accelerate vaccination, conducting education and training, and conducting research.