PDIP Claims Candidate For Mayor Of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, Is 6 Percent Superior To The Internal Survey

SURABAYA - PDI Perjuangan conducted an internal survey related to the Surabaya Pilkada. The result is that candidate pair (Paslon) number 1 Eri Cahyadi-Armudji (Erji) is 6 percent ahead of rival candidate pair Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman.

"From the survey results, we are 6 percent superior," said Secretary General of the PDIP DPP, Hasto Kristianto, after holding an internal coordination meeting at Hotel Utami Surabaya, Friday, October 23.

Unfortunately, Hasto did not publish detailed internal survey results for the Surabaya Pilkada. Even though PDIP is superior, Hasto emphasized that it will not be easy to Java and will continue to close ranks to attract residents who have not made a choice.

"Namely from the beginner voters. We haven't counted the undecided voters," he said.

According to Hasto, there are several factors that trigger the superiority of the candidate pair Eri-Armudji (Erji). First, Erji is a candidate for the successor of the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini, so that the citizens of Kota Hero don't hesitate to support Erji. Second, residents are optimistic because Erji's candidate pair is considered capable of continuing the programs that have been designed by Risma.

"Meanwhile, the third is that residents see the figure of Eri and Armudji. Eri's ability does not need to be doubted, because he comes from a bureaucrat. He has the ability to build the city of Surabaya in the future," he said.

While Armudji is no less experienced. Hasto said that Armudji had served as Chairman of the Surabaya DPRD. Before running as a candidate for deputy mayor, he sat as a member of the East Java DPRD.

Hasto is optimistic that support for the two candidates will increase. This belief was supported by a solid party machine, and all cadres came down to rally support.

PDIP mobilized the best cadres such as Puti Guntur Soekarno Putri, Indah Kurnia, and Bambang DH. Another strategy is also designed to attract youth or millennial support, which reaches 76 percent.