In 10 Days, 60 Criminals In Cirebon Arrested By Police

CIREBON - The Cirebon City Police team arrested 60 criminals in the 2022 Libas Lodaya Operation which was held for 10 days.

"Of the 60 suspects we arrested, 18 of them were targets of our operation and all of them were successfully arrested", said Cirebon Police Chief, Commissioner Arif Budiman, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 7.

Arif said the 60 perpetrators of the crimes arrested were the result of the Libas Lodaya 2022 Operation which was carried out from May 26 to June 4, 2022. They were secured by Cirebon Police and Sector Police officers during the operation.

While during the operation, the Cirebon Police managed to uncover 24 cases, of various crimes.

"The cases that were revealed consisted of motorcycle gangs, theft, stealing, stealing, and thuggery", he said.

For motorcycle gang suspects who were secured totaling 27 people, cases of stealing or stealing with 11 suspects weighting, cases of theft with violence or stealing six suspects.

Then the case of motor vehicle theft or theft of five suspects, and the case of thuggery of 11 suspects.

According to him, the stolen cases were revealed from the theft of laptops, charity boxes, cell phones, and others. While stealing cases include theft of packages, cell phones, cables, and so on.

Then two cases of theft were revealed by the Pangenan Police and the targets of the Cirebon Police Satreskrim operation.

"For the cases of thuggery that were revealed, there were two that became the target of the operation, while the other three cases were not the target of the operation, and all of them were cases of beatings or abuse. There were seven cases of motorcycle gangs that were disclosed", he said.

Arif said all suspects will be processed according to the offenses they committed. They were also charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code for stealing suspects, Article 365 of the Criminal Code for stealing suspects, and Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 for cases of thuggery, persecution, and others.

In addition, his party also secured some evidence from the results of the disclosure of all cases.

Among them, were one car, seven motorbikes, and sharp weapons consisting of samurai, sickles, sickles, knives, gun-shaped lighters, and others.

"In the case of motorcycle gangs, several groups were arrested, namely XTC, GBR, RTM, and Langleng San. They were secured in the areas of Gebang, Babakan, Articleeman, Plered, Plumbon, Arjawinangun, Tegalgubug, and several other sub-districts", he said.