ICW Regarding Police 'Embraces' Raden Brotoseno: How Can People Who Use Positions To Gain Profits Are Considered Achievers?

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) assessed that there were irregularities behind the National Police's decision to continue to accept Raden Brotoseno as a member of the Bhayangkara Corps. Especially regarding the considerations behind the decision.
ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said the National Police through the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) session had several considerations not to carry out Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH). One of them, Brotoseno is considered an achiever.
This consideration is considered odd because Brotoseno is a suspect in a corruption case. In fact, he has been found guilty in the trial process.
"Brotoseno is considered to have excelled while serving in the police force. This is also odd, because how can someone who uses his position to profit illegally be considered an achiever," said Kurnia in her statement, Tuesday, May 31.
Then, another consideration that feels odd is the consideration of Brotoseno's superiors. Where, the former KPK investigator is considered worthy of being defended.
With this statement, said Kurnia, his party began to highlight the figure of Brotoseno's superior. The police were asked to disclose the identity of Brotoseno's superior in a transparent manner.
Thus, the superior figure can explain the reason for maintaining Brotoseno.
"Who exactly is the superior? In addition, the party who gave the recommendation to Brotoseno should also be prosecuted or at least investigated, regarding the motive and purpose of defending Brotoseno," said Kurnia.
Given the irregularities of the underlying considerations that Brotoseno was not fired, ICW also considered that the actions of the Police reflected the low spirit of eradicating corruption.
"His return as an active member of the Police explains the very bad anti-corruption spirit in the Polri institution," he said.
This assessment is based on Article 12 paragraph (1) letter a of Government Regulation Number 1 of 2003 concerning the Dismissal of Members of the Indonesian National Police.
Where, the regulation states that members of the National Police can be dismissed or fired if sentenced to imprisonment based on a decision that has permanent legal force and according to the consideration of the competent authority cannot be maintained to remain in the police service.
"Meanwhile, one other condition or what is often referred to as a code of ethics trial should immediately dismiss Brotoseno because he committed a crime in office and has been proven during the trial process," said Kurnia.
Police reasons
On the previous occasion, the National Police through the Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo said Grand Commissioner Adjutant Raden Brotoseno had not been fired from the Bhayangkara Corps. He was only given a sanction in the form of demotion.
The sanctions were given based on the decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP). That decision was stated in letter Number: PUT/72/X/2020, dated October 13, 2020.
"It is recommended to be transferred to a different position that is demotional," said Sambo.
Demotion is a mutation that is punishable in the form of release of office and echelon reduction as well as transfer to a different position, function, or region.
The decision to impose sanctions was due to a defense that stated that Brotoseno should be retained as a member of the National Police because he was considered to have excelled.
"There is a statement by the superior of Grand Commissioner Adjutant R. Brotoseno that he can be maintained as a member of the National Police with various considerations of achievement and behavior during his service in the police," said Sambo.
For information, Brotoseno is a member of the National Police with the rank of Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police (AKBP). He had served in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
In the course of his career, Brotoseno stumbled upon a corruption case in rice field printing in Ketapang, West Kalimantan.
Based on the results of the trial at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) at the Central Jakarta District Court in decision number 26 of 2017, Raden Brotoseno was found guilty and sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine of IDR 300 million
With this decision, Raden Brotoseno has been in detention since 2017. Until finally, he was released on parole in February 2020, and was released purely at the end of September 2020. He was released early because he received a parole program. Raden Brotoseno received a remission of 13 months and 25 days.