Damaged Cars Affected By Flooding Can Be Recovered In Three Days

JAKARTA - Many cars were submerged during the floods in Jabodetabek in early January 2020. Automatically, car owners must immediately fix it by bringing it to the repair shop.

For those who have insurance, of course this will feel lighter. Apart from the fact that there are less funds spent, car work is also considerably faster.

One of the insurance companies, PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Tbk or Adira Insurance, again proved its commitment to speed the claim process by completing car units that were affected by flooding in Jabotabek earlier this year. In just three days, car damage can be repaired and given directly to the customer.

President Director of Adira Insurance, Julian Noor, said that the company is trying to repair cars from the claims submitted as soon as possible after all the conditions are met. "Not only that, of course we also want to help ease the burden on the community as well as our customers who are hit by the flood," said Julian in a written statement, Tuesday, January 14.

This is in line with the appeal of the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI) to immediately process claims handling. "To resolve minor damage, we can within 3-4 days. But considering the condition of the car damaged by the flood disaster, we finished this car within 3 days. However, for heavy damage, we do need a fairly detailed repair process, because this relates to the engine and water immersion, "said Julian.

For customers who want to submit a car insurance claim, simply use the Autocillin Mobile Claim Application (AMC), a special application for filing the first car insurance claim in Indonesia owned by PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika Tbk. Customers simply fill in their personal data and upload a photo of the damage.

"We want to provide the best claim service for customers. Because insurance is the spirit of handling claims, so our claims must be the fastest and most responsive. The claim process is easy, the settlement is fast. That's Adira Insurance, "said Julian.

Julian added that customers who wish to submit an evacuation request can use AMC by clicking the panic button feature. After a while, the customer will be contacted by Adira Care to follow up on the location and condition of the car. The Autocillin Rescue team will immediately evacuate the customer's car.

"Every year, we always prepare the Autocillin Rescue Team for disaster response, especially during the rainy season. The Autocillin Rescue team will be available 24 hours to provide assistance to customers affected by a disaster. However, customers who need evacuation do not need to come to the branch office, just use AMC or they can also contact Adira Care, ”said Julian.

From 1-9 January 2020, the Autocillin Rescue Team has completed the evacuation request of more than 200 cars. "With conditions that are still not conducive, the Autocillin Rescue Team managed to transport hundreds of cars to help ease the burden on the community due to flood disasters. Customers also don't need to worry because the Autocillin Rescue service is free, ”said Julian.

However, Julian reminded the customer that the car that was affected by the flood should first be checked on the contents of the policy. Does it have added guarantees for the expansion of the risk of flooding? If there is an additional expansion, the customer does not need to worry because the car will be covered by the insurance company.