Why Do Many People Tend To Eat Ice Cream When Their Hearts Are Broken? This Is The Reason

JAKARTA - Have you ever seen people eat ice cream when they are heartbroken? Or have you ever done it? Although it is done unconsciously, it turns out that there is a reason why people eat ice cream when their heart is broken when the relationship with their partner ends.

Citing the HerWorld page, Tuesday, May 24, when you fall in love, there are several hormones that work such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and adrenaline that give you an extraordinary feeling of pleasure. Falling in love can make you feel so happy that when a relationship ends or is even betrayed, it's the heartbreak that governs your diet.

When the brain feels unpleasant emotions, the daily diet will change according to the emotions in you. It starts with a lack of appetite until suddenly trying to open the refrigerator or cupboard to find comfort food that can "cure" the pain you are feeling, including ice cream.

The reason people eat ice cream when a broken heart is related to the increase in the hormone dopamine. Not only does it work optimally when someone is intoxicated with romance, but it also works when the body consumes fat and sugar. This one hormone offers a sense of happiness and comfort, to the point of becoming addicted. So, don't be surprised if you are hurt, ice cream is ready to accompany you.

In addition to scientific reasons, you can also enjoy ice cream directly from the packaging so that it can accompany the anxiety to feel much better. Until the sweet taste and creamy texture offer comfort for owners of hearts that are being hit by pain.