Acting Governor Of West Sulawesi Hopes Bhabinkamtibmas Increase Security

MAMUJU - Acting Governor of West Sulawesi (Sulbar) Akmal Malik hopes that the Bhayangkara Supervisor of Public Order and Security (Bhabinkamtibmas) of the National Police will improve security in the local area.

"The provincial government hopes that Bhabinkamtibmas spread across villages and sub-districts can increase their role in the task of increasing regional security," said Akmal Malik at the Bhabinkamtibmas coordination meeting in Mamuju, Thursday 19 May.

He said Bhabinkamtibmas was asked to help the government in West Sulawesi maintain regional security for the success of the development carried out.

"The government also wants to improve people's welfare and increase regional competitiveness, but that can only be achieved if security stability is created in West Sulawesi," he said, quoted by Antara.

Therefore, Bhabinkamtibmas is expected to become the frontline police at the village level and can play an active role in creating a safe and conducive situation.

The Head of the West Sulawesi Regional Police, Inspector General of Police Verdianto Iskandae Bitticaca said the role of Bhabinkamtibmas was the foremost function of the Police in carrying out pre-emptive and preventive tasks in the complexities and dynamics of people's lives.

He conveyed that the Kamtibmas situation in West Sulawesi tends to be safe and conducive thanks to the active role of Bhabinkamtibmas who conducts counseling.

"Bhabinkamtibmas communicates through door to door and Focus Group discussions with community elements such as traditional leaders, religious leaders, community leaders so that problems that arise can be resolved through deliberation," he said.

"The role of Bhabinkamtibmas as the spearhead of the Police is very important in efforts to create and maintain a conducive security and security situation, so that the professionalism and behavior of personnel in the field will continue to be improved," he said.