Golkar Secretary General Ensures Indonesia's Coalition Unites Seriously

JAKARTA - The Secretary-General of the Golkar Party, Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, has confirmed that the formation of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) is serious in welcoming the upcoming 2024 General Election.

Moreover, said Lodewijk, the three general chairmen of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, PAN chairman Zulkifli Hasan, and PPP chairman Suharso Monoarfa, have declared the core of the coalition.

"Seriously, the names of the three presidents have been met, don't be serious", said Lodewijk at the House of Representatives building, Tuesday, May 17.

Lodewijk said the three political parties would still plan another meeting to improve the quality of the talks. However, he did not mention the timing of the follow-up meeting.

"We'll just have to wait", said Lodewijk.

The deputy chairman of the House of Representatives said that the door to the coalition is still wide open for other political parties who want to join. Because according to Lodewijk, the three parties in this coalition are only exploring the initial stages to form a grand coalition.

"This is just the 3rd unit, it's just the initial stage, we hope that all other parties will join this united coalition", he concluded.