Minister Of Religion Yaqut's Message On Vesak Day: Strengthen Religious Moderation

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas invites Buddhists to strengthen religious moderation in commemorating Vesak Day.

According to him, all Indonesian Buddhists have the same responsibility to participate in building a harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous society. That can be done by understanding the ultimate truth of the Dharma.

"Prince Siddharta has taught Buddhists about Majjhima Patipada, a teaching about the importance of practicing religious life with the principle of a middle or moderate path. This principle is very much needed in maintaining harmony and peace," said Minister of Religion Yaqut, as quoted by Antara, Monday, May 16.

On the same occasion, the Minister of Religion Yaqut wished all Indonesian Buddhists a happy commemoration of the Tri-Holy Vesak Day 2566 Buddhist years.

"Let's continue to strengthen religious moderation and strengthen brotherhood between each other," said Yaqut.

Yaqut said this as taught also in the holy book Dhammapada verse 194.

He said that the birth of the Buddhas is the cause of happiness, the preaching of the right teachings is the cause of happiness.

Then unity is the cause of happiness and the struggles of those who have united are the cause of happiness.