Fulfilling Clean Water Needs, East Flores BPBD Prepares Tank Cars During Dry Season

KUPANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Flores Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, has prepared a tank car to supply clean water for the local community during the 2022 dry season.

"Every year we always provide a tank car to supply clean water, even though it's only one unit but it continues to operate," said Head of BPBD of East Flores Regency Alfons Hada Betan when contacted from Kupang, Thursday 12 May.

He said this was related to the efforts of the East Flores Regency government to anticipate the shortage of clean water in the community during the 2022 dry season.

The East Flores region has entered the dry season based on the seasonal zone analysis report (zom) of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) which was updated as of May 10, 2022, of which zone 247 covers the southwest part of East Flores.

In addition, zom 248 of East Flores covers the northwest part, zom 249 covers the northern part of East Flores, zom 250 covers Adonara, Solor.

Alfons explained that the problem of dry season due to drought in East Flores always occurs every year, but the impact is not as severe as in other areas.

However, BPBD still provides tank cars that are operated to address complaints or requests for clean water from the public.

"Currently, our tank cars are still being deployed to help smooth the activities of the East Flores 1624 Kodim and after that, they will operate as usual," he said, quoted by Antara.

The regional government, he said, had previously distributed aid for water reservoirs or tank profiles for areas deemed to have a shortage of clean water so that they could be used to store water for needs during the dry season.

Alfons added that his party also always urges the public to save on the use of clean water so that their needs can still be met during the dry season.