KAI And INKA Establish Cooperation, Indonesia Starts Pressing Imports Of Used Trains

JAKARTA - PT INKA (Persero) and KAI Commuter are working together on the procurement of trains. Later the electric rail train (KRL) will use domestic products. This is in line with the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to build independence.

Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said this collaboration was a new breakthrough in the railway world. At the same time in the context of developing a modern railway ecosystem.

"So they will procure 16 trainset train units. Where this is a breakthrough, we hope that in Indonesia a healthy railway ecosystem will be created," he said after the signing of the MoU between KAI and INKA, Monday, May 9.

The second step of the BUMN is part of the government's efforts to suppress the import of train sets or used train sets from other countries. Kartika admits that the import of train sets is still dominant at this time.

"Hopefully the production can be gradual in Indonesia. Because currently there are still many imported trainsets," he explained.

On the same occasion, President Director of PT INKA (Persero) Budi Noviantoro said that KAI Commuter plans to procure 16 series of KRL new facilities with a composition of 12 trains each. Of course with the technical specifications required by the railway legislation.

Furthermore, Budi hopes that all preparations until the first delivery will be according to the estimated schedule, namely in 2024. "INKA will also be committed to realizing this MoU according to the target of the KAI Commuter," he said.

The plan, said Budi, in addition to production, INKA will also provide after-sales services such as the provision of component parts. This is a form of commitment to providing reliable domestic products made by the nation's children.

Need a reliable tool

President Director of KAI Commuter, Roppiq Lutzfi Azhar said KAI Commuter as the operator of the Jabodetabek KRL and Yogyakarta-Solo KRL in operating KRL services requires reliable facilities as the main capital for KAI Commuter in serving customers.

With a target of 1.2 million users per day, said Roppiq, of course, KAI Commuter needs reliable KRL facilities in carrying out its operations to meet this target.

"This MoU between KAI Commuter and PT INKA is expected to support the creation of KAI Commuter operation excellence which makes KRL transportation environmentally friendly and efficient," said Roppiq.

Through this MoU, said Roppiq, it is hoped that the services that can be provided to KRL users will be better and the number of public transportation users will increase.