Certified By TAG, TikTok Is Rated As An Anti-fraud Platform

JAKARTA - The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) has confirmed that TikTok has achieved TAG Certified Against Fraud status for 2022, last May 4.

This certification signifies TikTok has been established as an industry best practice that helps ensure the ads served are safe and fraud-free.

To meet the requirements of TAG's certification against fraud, TikTok is working with a white-label Invalid Traffic (IVT) certified Media Rating Council partner on pre-campaign analysis.

"We analyze 100 percent of impressions and if we calculate a high probability of IVT, the ad impression is pulled back before the ad is served," wrote TikTok on its blog.

Ad fraud remains an important challenge to tackle in today's digital ecosystem. Recognizing this, TAG is working closely with the entire industry to tackle AdFraud.

"As the digital advertising industry continues to evolve, it is critical that the industry work together to combat invalid traffic across the digital advertising supply chain," said Mike Zaneis, CEO of TAG.

Zaneis said he was happy to have members like TikTok helping advance the mission to eliminate fraud. He looks forward to continuing to work together to raise industry standards and address new and emerging threats.

Additionally, TikTok is committed to continuing its work with TAG and other industry partners to help raise industry standards across brand security, AdFraud, and security.