Alina Fazleeva Russian Caucasians Who Are Naked In The Sacred Tree Of Bali's Babakan Temple Will Be Deported

DENPASAR - Bali Immigration will deport Alina Fazleeva (28), a Russian Caucasian who is naked on a sacred tree in the sacred area of Babakan Temple, Tua Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali.

Head of Bali's Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Jamaruli Manihuruk, said Denpasar Immigration had received Alina Fazleeva from Sub-Directorate V of the Bali Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Thursday, May 5.

"Furthermore, Denpasar Immigration has finished examining the Russian citizen last night (yesterday) and it is planned that if there are no problems, the deportation will be carried out immediately", Jamaruli said, Friday, May 6.

This Russian Caucasian previously surrendered to the Tabanan Police after the video went viral.

Head of Sub-Directorate V of the Bali Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKBP Nanang Prihasmoko, said this Russian foreigner posed naked for the sake of social media.

"(The purpose of being naked in a tree is) she is just looking for pictures, like that (for the sake of content on Instagram and TikTok accounts)", said AKBP Nanang.

Alina's act of posing naked on a tree in the Babakan Bali Temple area fulfills the element of pornography.

"We are just coordinating. We will handle it and then we will coordinate with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Finally, it will be handed over to immigration for deportation", he said.