Public Satisfaction Survey Response To Jokowi Declines, KSP: Government Work Hard To Overcome Community Difficulties

JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) said the government has worked hard to overcome community difficulties with various social assistance schemes, such as basic food assistance, direct cooking oil cash assistance, wage subsidy assistance, and presidential assistance for MSMEs.

"At the same time, the government makes policies to accelerate economic recovery", said Deputy IV for the Presidential Chief of Staff, Juri Ardiantoro, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

The jury made this statement in response to the results of the Indonesian Political Indicators Survey (IPI) regarding public satisfaction with the performance of the government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The results of the IPI Survey on April 14-19 2022 showed a decrease in the level of satisfaction with the performance of the Government of President Jokowi from 75.3 percent in early January 2022 to 59.9 percent in mid-April 2022.

According to IPI, the decline in community satisfaction is due to the high price of basic needs. The survey stated that 36.6 percent of the respondents asked President Joko Widodo to stabilize the prices of basic commodities, especially cooking oil and fuel oil (BBM).

Responding to this, Juri emphasized that the current situation is indeed not easy due to the influence of global economic pressures that have triggered the increase in the prices of several commodities. The government has taken various steps to control the spike in the price increase of goods, he said.

"One of the things the government is doing is maintaining subsidies for some commodities", he said.

Juri expressed their appreciation for the results of a survey conducted by several institutions regarding the satisfaction with the performance of the government of President Joko Widodo.

"The survey is part of the input to the government to introspect and improve performance", said the Juri.