Homecoming Flow 2022: Until D-5 Lebaran, Train Homecoming From Jakarta Reaches 31,200 People

JAKARTA - The number of travelers using the train mode of transportation (KA) from Pasar Senen and Gambir stations, Jakarta to various cities on the island of Java, reached 31,200 people, Wednesday or D-5 ahead of Idul Fitri.

Head of Public Relations of PT KAI Daop 1 Eva Chairunisa, said the number was an accumulation of 13,800 travelers who departed from Gambir Station and 17,400 people from Pasar Senen Station.

The movement of homecomers has increased compared to the previous day on Tuesday (26/4), which was 28,000 people.

"The volume of passengers from Gambir reaches 95 percent of the total available seats of 14,500 seats, while from Pasar Senen Station it reaches 85 percent of the available capacity of 20,500 seats," Eva said, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

A total of 33 trains operate from Gambir Station with eight of them being additional trains. Meanwhile, for Pasar Senen Station, there are 28 trains operating, two of which are additional trains.

Eva said the departure of homecomers from Jakarta as of Wednesday has reached 86 percent of the total tickets provided during the Lebaran period, namely 362,000 tickets.

Although the homecoming period for train travel has started since April 22, the departure dates that are most chosen by passengers for going home are 27, 28, 29, 30 April and 1 May.

The favorite destinations for this homecoming are Yogyakarta, Solo, Kutoarjo, Purwokerto, Kebumen, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Cirebon and Bandung.

One of the passengers of the train bound for Yogyakarta, Aditya, said he was very grateful that he still got a ticket. He had booked a train ticket one month in advance.

"I got a homecoming ticket on April 27 because tickets for other dates approaching Lebaran have run out," he said.

"But lucky to still get a ticket," added Aditya.