Damaged Ship, Three Foreigners Stranded In The Waters Of Aceh Jaya

BANDA ACEH - Three foreign nationals (WNA) were reported to be drifting in the waters of Sampoiniet, Aceh Jaya Regency, after the engine of the sailing boat they were traveling on suffered engine failure and could not continue their journey.

Aceh Jaya Police Chief Assistant Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Yudi Wiyono through Sampoiniet Police Chief Ipda Wahyudi in Aceh Jaya, Wednesday 27 April, said the sailing ship with the name SY Red Moon had an Australian flag.

"There are three foreigners. Their ship was damaged. We have not been able to get to the location because of the long distance. The SAR team from Meulaboh has already headed there via Lhok Kruet," said Wahyudi, quoted by Antara.

Other information, the joint SAR team, the Marine and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP), and the Coast Radio Station (SROP) of the Sabang Navigation District are looking for the sailing ship along with the three foreign nationals.

If you look at the map, said Ipda Wahyudi, the ship is in the Lhok Kruet Raya Island area, Aceh Jaya Regency. According to information, the ship carrying the three foreigners was from Sabang.

"Of the three foreigners, two of them are women and a man. They are still surviving at sea. It is impossible to tow their boats, because they are large. Moreover, the fishing boats here are small," said Wahyudi.