Good News! Overseas Vaccine Recipients Can Claim Additional Certificates At PeduliLindung

JAKARTA - The Chief of Digital Transformation Office of the Ministry of Health, Setiaji, revealed that currently Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign nationals (foreigners) receiving the COVID-19 vaccine abroad can claim an additional dose of vaccine certificate in the PeduliLindung application.

This, said Setiaji, also applies to recipients of a mixture of foreign and domestic vaccines.

Setiaji said that they could input data on additional doses of vaccination for submitting foreign vaccine verification through the website

“Previously, foreign vaccine recipients could only submit their vaccine data verification once. But now, they can input additional doses of vaccine, both the second and so on. This is also intended for recipients of vaccines abroad combined with vaccines in Indonesia (mixed doses)," Setiaji said in his statement, Friday, April 15.

In addition, Indonesian citizens who received complete primary dose vaccination abroad also continued the third vaccination (booster) in Indonesia through government program vaccines. The third vaccination ticket will appear in the PeduliLindung application.

"With the existing update, it is hoped that this additional dose feature will make it easier for Indonesian citizens and foreigners who received the COVID-19 vaccine abroad to claim a vaccine certificate in the PeduliLindung application, so that they can move safely and comfortably in public spaces," Setiaji said.

Here's how to input additional foreign vaccine doses in the PeduliLindung application: 1. Visit the website vaccineln.dto.kemkes.go.id2. Login with an approved account 3. Click 'Apply Additional Verification Request' to get started4. Personal data will appear according to previous submissions5. Enter only the number of additional doses of foreign vaccine data that you want to verify6. Every successful submission will get an “Open” status7. The verification process takes 3 to 5 working days8. The status of the application "Approved" or "Rejected" will be notified via email9. If you have previously claimed, an additional dose certificate will appear automatically.

If you have never claimed a certificate before, then you can follow these steps: 1. Open the CareProtect2 application. Registration or login with a registered account3. Select the “Vaccine Certificate” menu then click “Claim Certificate”4. Enter the required data 5. Make sure it is appropriate, then confirm by selecting "Check" 6. The LN Vaccination Certificate (VNI) will appear in the "Vaccine Certificate" menu