Serang City Police Arrest Group Of Youths Who Abuse Minors With Sickles

SERANG - Serang City Police together with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kasemen Police revealed a case of a brawl that resulted in the victim being injured in the head.

Serang City Police Chief, Grand Commissioner Adjutant Maruli Hutapea said that BR (13) a resident of Kasemen was the victim of a brawl that occurred on Tuesday, April 5, at around 02:00 western Indonesia time, in Suka Layu Village, Kasemen District, Serang City.

"The victim BR, suffered lacerations due to stab wounds to the head. Until now the victim is being treated at the Drajat Prawiranegara Hospital (RSDP) Serang," said Maruli Hutapea in a statement, Monday, April 11.

He said the Criminal Investigation Unit carried out investigations so that they succeeded in securing the perpetrators.

"From the results of the investigation, the police were able to identify and secure the perpetrator SJ (19) who was suspected of committing a reckless brawl by carrying a sharp weapon with a sickle and then using it to stab the victim, resulting in a torn head wound," explained the Serang City Police Chief.

Maruli explained the chronology of events. Maruli explained, that the brawl started when the two groups agreed to carry out a sarong war before dawn and then met at the scene, in Sukaluyu Village, Kasemen District, Serang City.

The perpetrator of SJ, continued Maruli, did not only carry a sarong but also a sharp weapon with a sickle. Knowing this, the victim, BR, ran but fell down so that SJ stabbed the sickle into the victim, causing a laceration to the head.

Maruli added that at this time the victim suffered serious injuries and currently the victim is in the Drajat Prawiranegara Hospital in Serang for medical treatment.

While it is suspected that the perpetrator of SJ, for his actions, was ensnared by the Emergency Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 1951 and Article 80 Paragraph (1) of UURI No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 23 of 2022 concerning child protection, with a sentence of 12 years in prison.