Brian Edgar Nababan Becomes A Liaison And Recruiter For Binomo Affiliates, Earns USD 4.000

JAKARTA - Binomo's Development Manager, Brian Edgar Nababan, is said to be the liaison between the 404 Group Company and Indonesia. In fact, he received a wage or salary of 4.000 US dollars or the equivalent of more than IDR 57 million.

"The payment for customer support at a Russian 404 group company is around 2.000 USD and then it increases gradually and the maximum salary is USD 4.000," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Whisnu Herwaman to reporters, Thursday, April 7.

Brian Edgar Nababan was able to work at the company because he had studied in Russia since 2014. Then in October 2018, he registered at the company.

Apart from being a liaison, Brian also acts as a recruiter for Binomo affiliates. Recruitment is done by sending an offer letter via electronic message (e-mail).

"The suspect's role is to offer and find people or influencers to become Binomo Indonesia's Affiliate/CPA (Cost Per Action) by sending an email offer to potential affiliates," he said.

Meanwhile, Bareskrim said Binomo's illegal trading center was in Russia. In fact, it is controlled by a 404 Group Company.

This 404 Group company spreads Binomo trading to Indonesia through a liaison, namely Brian Edgar Nababan. He was hired by the company as Binomo's Development Manager.

Then, Brian started recruiting affiliates. They are Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz and Fakar Suhartami Pratama alias Fakarich.

404 Group is an internet-based business development company. This entity is headquartered in St. Petersburg, Russia. From the company's official website, it is known that they have been established since 2013 with a focus on the use of information technology