Reconcile Russia And Ukraine, PDI-P: Don't Miss The Momentum Of The G20

JAKARTA - A member of Commission I of the House of Representatives (DPR) from the PDIP faction, Effendi Simbolon, criticized the role of President Joko Widodo, who was considered to have less role in the G20 Presidency to mediate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

According to him, the President of the Republic of Indonesia must take the opportunity when he is ex officio of the G20 Presidency, one of which is Russia. Moreover, now he is at war with almost all members of the G20.

Effendi even mentioned the discourse on extending the presidential term to 3 terms during the Commission I Working Meeting (Raker) of the House of Representatives with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi Effendi, at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 6.

According to Effendi, it has never been seen or heard of any attempt by President Jokowi to contact the President of Russia or the President of Ukraine. In fact, said Effendi, with naivety Jokowi should be able to touch the two heads of state and make peace.

"Show me if it can be done with his (Jokowi) naivety model, in a very humanistic way, who knows it can touch the heart of the Russian President, who is related to Ukraine, Madam", said Effendi at the meeting.

However, he continued, what is often mentioned is an economic problem. In fact, said Effendi, this economic problem has nothing to do with Indonesia because people are used to hardship.

"Indonesian people are already in trouble, so the economy is usually difficult. This world's role is important because it saves us all. 5 months Mr. Jokowi has played a role in his presidency. G20 does nothing, sir, only 5 months or 6.5 months left until November, it's finished", he continued.

While seriously criticizing, one member of Commission I of the DPR made an "extended" remark. Hearing that, Effendi immediately responded. "The period was extended, another one", said Effendi to laughter from the meeting members.

"Let's talk about the G20 first, this is serious. Where is this friend of theirs? What's the problem? The Minister of Foreign Affairs who doesn't encourage? Love ma'am! With the innocence, there must be benefits, ma'am", he continued.

Effendi reminded that Indonesia's role should not only be limited to organizers. Moreover, Jokowi came to Bali 3 to 4 times just to check preparations. However, there is no need to deal with technical problems alone.

This DKI Jakarta legislator views the G20 Presidency as an opportunity, not just a political forum. "At that time our country became the presidency apart from the G20, it was not a political forum, but who could separate the economy and politics, Madam? Why wasn't it played? Visiting Russia accompanied by this great Foreign Minister, taking pictures of shaking hands like a mother (Retno shook hands with the Russian Foreign Minister), The selling point is extraordinary, you don't have to teach Mr. Jokowi, ma'am, let God teach him, ma'am", he said.

Effendi added that Jokowi should have visited Russia and Ukraine directly to cool the atmosphere. Moreover, Indonesia has the advantage of being a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, which is at the forefront of defending Palestine, at the forefront of defending Uighur Muslims, China, and Afghanistan.

In fact, Indonesia's relations with Russia have existed since the proclamation, as well as with Ukraine there are no handicaps (obstacles). Therefore, instead of a three-period, Effendi suggested that Jokowi seek peace talks during this Ramadan.

“Please ma'am, think about ma'am (please think about it). Don't pass this momentum, let alone the momentum of fasting, it's good, you don't have to go3-period, just go there on a safari. Really, I'm serious", concluded Effendi.