KPK Asked To Arrest A Democratic Party Cadre Who Was Allegedly Received Bribery Flow Of North Penajam Paser Regent

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is urged to arrest any cadre of the Democratic Party suspected of accepting bribes from the inactive North Penajam Paser Regent Abdul Gafur Mas'ud. This request came from the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman.

Boyamin said that any party cadre bearing the star of mercy who is suspected of sharing the "hot" money must suffer the consequences.

Moreover, the flow of bribes is suspected to be related to the election process for the chairman of the DPD for the East Kalimantan Democratic Party, in which Abdul Gafur is one of the candidates.

"If two sufficient pieces of evidence are found that the Democrat Party elite or elements received a flow of funds from the election process for the chairman of the East Kalimantan DPD so that the money can be tracked, it also means that there is a flow of funds," Boyamin told reporters quoted on Monday, April 4.

"KPK must explore allegations of being a party that participated in or assisted or collected money from corruption and participated in collecting (earned money, red) corruption," he added.

According to Boyamin, it is important for the anti-corruption commission to investigate this matter. So that anyone who participates in accepting bribes or enjoying the results of Abdul Gafur's presumptuous practices can receive a reward.

"In principle, the KPK must involve, linking all allegations of corruption to parties who will also be tracked down to enjoy the proceeds of corruption or further participate in the allegations of helping or receiving the proceeds of corruption," he stressed.

Not only that, but it is also important to investigate the flow of bribes. The goal is that the public can choose a political party that is free from the practice of bribery as a form of punishment.

"At least the people, the public will know that the party receives money from corruption and it is possible that the people will later punish them in the form of not voting for them in the next election," said Boyamin.

As previously reported, the KPK is currently investigating the alleged flow of money into the activities of the 5th Regional Deliberation (Musda) of the Democratic Party.

This investigation was carried out by summoning a number of witnesses such as Deputy II of the DPP Membership and Cadreization Organization Development Agency (BPOKK) Jemmy Setiawan on Wednesday, March 30. In addition, investigators are also investigating this allegation from the three chairmen of the Democratic Party DPC on Thursday, March 31.

The three Chairs of the Democratic Party DPC being examined are the Chair of the West Kutai Democratic Party DPC who is also a member of the West Kutai Regency DPRD, Paul Vius; Chairman of the Paser Democratic Party DPC who serves as a member of the Paser Regency DPRD, Abdullah; and Chairman of the DPC Mahakam Hulu Democratic Party, Kelawing Bayau.

Although the KPK suspects that Abdul Gafur's bribe money has flowed into this activity, Jemmy Setiawan has denied it. After being investigated, the Democrat Party politician said that no bribe money from Abdul Gafur had flowed into the event.

"Nothing, nothing (flow of bribes from Abdul Gafur to the 5th Musda of the East Kalimantan Democratic Party, ed)," said Jemmy to reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih Building, Kuningan Persada.

"Giving where," he added.

For information, the KPK appointed Abdul Gafur with the Acting Secretary of the North Penajam Paser Regency, Mulyadi; Head of Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning of North Penajam Paser Regency Edi Hasmoro; Head of the North Penajam Paser District Education, Youth, and Sports Office, Jusman; and the General Treasurer of the Balikpapan Democratic Party DPC, Nur Afifah Balqis as a bribe recipient.

Meanwhile, as a suspect for giving bribes, the KPK has named a private party named Achmad Zudi. These six people have been named as suspects in alleged bribery in the procurement of goods and services as well as granting permits in North Penajam Paser Regency.

Their determination was initiated from a hand-catching operation (OTT) which was held on Wednesday, January 12 in two locations, namely Jakarta and North Kalimantan. From the results of the action, the KPK also confiscated IDR 1 billion and IDR 447 million in Balqis's account.