Seasoned Investor Lo Kheng Hong Says He Never Wants To Go Into Debt: If Debt And Crisis Come, I Can't Survive

JAKARTA - Seasoned investor Lo Kheng Hong admits that he has tricks to overcome the challenges of crises such as those that occurred in 1998, 2008, and 2020. The man who is referred to as Indonesia's Warren Buffett said that the real crisis no one knows because the past is history and the future is a mystery.

"No one knows that the crisis will come, be it 1998, 2008, or 2020," said Lo Kheng Hong in the SPOD podcast broadcast on Syailendra Capital's YouTube account, quoted on Tuesday, March 29.

However, Lo Kheng Hong said that he had tips to avoid the severe blows caused by these crises.

"To anticipate the crisis so that I don't fall down during a crisis, I avoid not wanting to go into debt. Until now I don't dare to go into debt," he said.

According to him, he is more daring to invest 99.99 percent of his money in stocks and is enough to hold Rp100 million for a month's living expenses.

"But don't ask me to add debt because when the crisis comes, I can't survive," he explained.

According to Lo Kheng Hong, if there is debt, an investor can be forced to sell his portfolio to cover payment obligations when a crisis occurs.

"If I don't have debt, no matter how deep a crisis I can survive, no one can force sell I have shares, I'll hold on to them. I'll wait for him to come back higher again. That's all I'm anticipating. No one will know what what will happen tomorrow. To anticipate that, I don't owe it. So when a crisis comes, I have strong resilience," said Lo Kheng Hong.