Sunny Cloudy Morning, West, South And East Jakarta Weather Is Predicted To Be Raining With Lightning Until In The Afternoon

JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts that light rain accompanied by lightning has the potential to occur in parts of Jakarta, Wednesday, March 23.

The rainy weather is predicted to occur starting in the afternoon after sunny cloudy weather in all areas of Jakarta.

Entering the afternoon, cloudy skies will persist in Central, North and Thousand Islands, but in West, South and East Jakarta, it is predicted to experience light rain. Even in some areas it is predicted to be accompanied by lightning.

"Be aware of the potential for rain with lightning in South Jakarta and East Jakarta in the afternoon and evening," the BMKG wrote. Entering the evening, the entire Jakarta area is predicted to experience cloudy weather.

Meanwhile, on Thursday, March 24 in the morning, sunny cloudy weather is predicted to be experienced by all areas of Jakarta.

Jakarta's air temperature range on Wednesday is predicted to be between 24-30 degrees celsius, with details West Jakarta 24-29 degrees celsius, Central Jakarta 25-28 degrees celsius, South Jakarta 24-30 degrees celsius, East Jakarta 24-30 degrees celsius, North Jakarta 25-28 degrees celsius and the Thousand Islands 26-28 degrees celsius.

As for Jakarta's air humidity, it will range from 75 to 95 percent with details in West Jakarta 80-95 percent, Central Jakarta 80-95 percent, South Jakarta 75-95 percent, East Jakarta 75-95 percent, North Jakarta 80-95 percent, and the Thousand Islands 8095 percent.