DPRD Asks Anies To Complete The 2022-2042 Spatial Gubernatorial Regulation

JAKARTA - The Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI Regional Representative Council (DPRD) has requested the formation of a gubernatorial regulation (pergub) regarding the detailed spatial planning (RDTR) of DKI Jakarta Province for 2022-2042 to DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan.

Head of Bapemperda DKI DPRD, Pantas Nainggolan, said that the preparation of this regulation needed to be completed and ratified immediately.

This is because Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning Detailed Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulations (RDTR-PZ) is no longer ideally applied today with the rapid development in Jakarta.

"We hope that the Pergub RDTR can be completed quickly so that it can be immediately implemented to the community. Moreover, there have been many changes due to the times," said Pantas in his statement, Wednesday, March 23.

It is appropriate to say that his party admits that they will continue to oversee the draft RDTR regulation until it is ratified. The DPRD, Pantas said, will also ensure that the proposals resulting from the discussions that have been carried out by Bapemperda so far are included in the legal umbrella.

"I ensure that what is discussed today is a continuation of the results of our discussion at Bapemperda with the executive," he said.

For information, the regional head regulation in the form of a gubernatorial regulation is a new regulation that will regulate detailed spatial planning and zoning regulations (RDTR-PZ). Bearing in mind, based on the Job Creation Act. Regulations regarding future spatial planning will be regulated through local regulations.

Meanwhile, the current regulation is Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning Detailed Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulations (RDTR-PZ). Therefore, the Regional Regulation on RDTR-PZ will be revoked by the DKI DPRD.

However, before revoking the Regional Regulation on RDTR-PZ, the DPRD was still waiting for Anies to issue the Pergub RDTR. "We will revoke it after the Pergub is stipulated and promulgated in the regional gazette, only then will we revoke Perda Number 1 and other regional regulations related to this," said Pantas.

It is appropriate to explain that the reason for the plan to revoke the Perda RDTR-PZ is still being investigated so that there is no legal vacuum while waiting for the process of making the Pergub on Spatial Planning until it is finally enacted.

“The regional regulation was revoked after the governor's regulation, so that there would be no legal vacuum. So as long as he (the governor's regulation) has not been stipulated, then the regional regulation (perda) will still apply," explained Pantas.

There are six goals that the government wants to achieve in the issuance of the governor's regulation on RDTR. First, the creation of transit-oriented and digital-oriented city development by way of expanding bicycle shops, integrating public transportation networks, providing park and rides, developing transit-based compact areas and increasing the intensity of space in the area around mass public transportation.

Second, the creation of decent and just housing, as well as independent settlements by increasing the quantity and quality of affordable vertical housing in urban areas and improving the quality of rural areas with participatory principles to achieve zero slum neighborhood units.

Third, the realization of urban space and services that are resilient and integrated with areas around Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Puncak and Cianjur (Bodetabekpunjur).

Fourth, the creation of spatial planning that supports Jakarta's role as a global-scale business city by developing a transit-oriented development (TOD) area as a new business center, digitizing urban life, developing environmentally friendly creative industries, and developing urban tourism.

Fifth, the realization of sustainable and equitable development of coastal areas, waters and the Thousand Islands. Sixth, the last is the creation of spatial planning that supports Jakarta's role as the center of government and culture.