BNN Reveals Drug Trafficking In South Sulawesi, Six People Arrested

MAKASSAR - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of South Sulawesi (Sulsel) revealed the distribution of 3.6 kilograms of methamphetamine, and arrested six suspects in Pinrang Regency.

"The disclosure of this drug case is based on the development of one of the suspects who was previously arrested," said the Head of the South Sulawesi BNNP Brigadier General Pol Drs.

The disclosure of the drug trafficking, he said, was in the Pinrang Regency area, after initial development was carried out in February 2022.

The perpetrators were arrested, totaling six people and known to work as farmers domiciled in Pinrang, each with the initials ZN (38), EM (31), HT (46), DL (41), NS (37), and RS (43).

The Head of the South Sulawesi BNNP Eradication Division, Grand Commissioner Pol Joni Triharto, explained when the case was released, that the disclosure was initiated by receiving information that there was a crystal methamphetamine transaction on Jalan Tandrosaddang, Tiroang District, Pinrang on February 25, 2022.

The joint team of BNNP Sulsel together with officers from the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) for Southern Sulawesi (Sulbagsel) and KPPBC TMP C Parepare followed up by monitoring vehicles at the location.

At around 22.23 central Indonesia time, after confirming that there was a transaction, the joint team made arrests and searched DL's house, and secured evidence of 15 packages of crystal methamphetamine. The results of the interrogation, DL 'singing' the illicit goods belonged to ZN and was given a salary of IDR 3 million per kilogram. Narcotics obtained from HT.

He added that DL had also handed over as many as 30 bales of drugs to TM (DPO) according to ZN's orders. From the results of ZN's interrogation, the drugs were obtained from a dealer with the initials AC in Nunukan, North Kalimantan through an intermediary DW, because only the person concerned had access to order the goods.

"In December 2021, ZN ordered one kilogram of methamphetamine from DW, but before the goods were sent, the money had to be transferred according to the agreement. The goods were then taken by courier using a ferry and handed it over to the Port of Pare-pare, received by LG. On February 15, 2021, ZN returned ordered the goods," he was quoted as saying by Antara.

In addition, ZN also admitted that he still had the remaining 3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine in the cage or belonging to the hospital. The joint team took the suspect to the hospital's house and then arrested him and carried out a search with the help of the K9 sniffer dog until they managed to find evidence.

"The hospital admitted that it did not know that the plastic package contained methamphetamine and then brought it back to its home and only found out after ZN was caught. The suspects violated Article 114 paragraph (2), subsidiary Article 112 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 of Law Number 35 Year 2009 on Narcotics," he also said.