Chinese Cyber Regulator Sends Expert Team To Douban To “Clean Up” Network Chaos

JAKARTA - China's cyberspace regulator has sent a team to the offices of social media company Douban to make changes. This comes after discovering "serious network chaos" on the company's platform Tuesday, March 15.

The comments came in a brief statement on the China Cyberspace Administration's official WeChat account.

As Beijing stepped up efforts to "clean up" the internet space, regulators fined Douban 1.5 million yuan (IDR 3.3 billion) in December for releasing unlawful information.

Douban is an interest-based networking site in China that allows users to form online communities and review films, books and music.

The Chinese government has so far strictly controlled internet and social media content in the country. Even though it was denounced as a limitation on freedom of speech, it did not affect the establishment of this communist state.