This Airport Can Be Accessed Without PeduliLindungi App, Just Show Your COVID-19 Vaccine Card

KUPANG - The COVID-19 test requirement for air travelers has been removed, leaving the PeduliLindungi application mandatory. However, there are airports that provide more tolerance for air transportation users.

General Manager of AP I El Tari Kupang Airport, I Nyoman Noer Rohim said, people who do not have smartphones and want to access airplanes at the airport can replace the use of PeduliLindungi by showing a vaccine card.

"For prospective airplane passengers who want to travel, it is expected that they must have filled out the e-HAC in the PeduliLindung application, to check their airworthiness. But if they don't have a smartphone, they are expected to carry their vaccine card," said Nyoman Noer in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Thursday, March 10, quoted by Antara.

He said those who already have a smartphone before leaving are required to fill in the e-HAC which can then be checked at the airport, especially at the check-in counter.

Nyoman conveyed this following the enactment of the Circular Letter of the Ministry of Transportation Number 21 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Domestic Travel by Air Transportation During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The circular came into effect at El Tari Airport on Wednesday, March 9 yesterday.

The circular also states that the passenger terminal at the airport is 100 percent allowed, including the number of passengers on the plane. However, the front three rows are still empty to anticipate if there are passengers who are sick.

Meanwhile, a representative from the Kupang Port Health Office (KKP) Kupang, Fani Djubida, said that the vaccine card was very important for those who did not have a smartphone so that it could be validated by officers.

"Because the vaccine card is a valid card that shows that the person concerned has been vaccinated," he continued.

Fani added that prospective airplane passengers who want to travel are also required to fill out e-HAC which is an electronic health alert card that is addressed to all domestic and international flight travelers during the pandemic to check flightworthiness.

"If we are not airworthy, then the application will come out in black color, and usually it will return to normal after 10 days before it can be updated again to a new status. If all the requirements have been filled and we are declared airworthy, it will be green," he said.