Kliyengan Head After Eating, What Causes It?

JAKARTA – Dizziness or headache after eating is not without reason. The condition of kliyengan after eating food, was also triggered by several factors.

If you usually experience dizziness before eating, but what triggers kliyengan after eating? Citing Medical News Today, Monday, March 8, dizziness after eating is less common. Although it can be experienced by medical conditions related to the body's sensitivity to food. Doctors refer to this condition as postprandial vertigo.

There are 5 factors that trigger postprandial vertigo. Here are the factors that you can identify and get the best recommendations after consulting a doctor.

1. Low blood sugar

A drop in blood sugar is medically known as reactive hypoglycemia. This is experienced by people with diabetes or prediabetes who may experience a drop in blood sugar after eating. The trigger, the body produces too much insulin.

People without diabetes can also experience this condition. For example, people who have undergone stomach surgery so that they digest food too quickly. The effect makes it difficult for the body to absorb glucose from food. Rare deficiencies of digestive enzymes can also lower blood glucose.

2. Low blood pressure

Postprandial hypotension, medically called the condition of a sudden drop in blood pressure after eating. Even people with high blood pressure are more likely to develop these symptoms. This is due to hardening and blockage in the arteries.

Illustration of kliyengan after eating (iStockphoto)

Blockage of the arteries makes it difficult for blood to flow to the brain while also flowing into the digestive system. In this condition, it can cause kliyengan. People with Parkinson's and nervous system disorders are prone to postprandial hypotension.

3. The effect of diabetes drugs

Some diabetes medications, including insulin, can cause dizziness, especially when the blood glucose drops too much. This is actually a sign of diabetes medication taken before meals start to work. But if you always experience it, you need to consult a doctor so that he prescribes drugs without these side effects.

4. Food, drink and alcohol

Consuming food along with certain types of alcoholic beverages can cause a person to feel dizzy. Body sensitivity can cause these symptoms. In addition, certain drugs and chemicals, including caffeine and alcohol, can also cause dizziness after eating.

It is recommended to note episodes of dizziness after eating. The goal is to evaluate and eliminate foods or drinks that make you dizzy after eating.

5. Standing after sitting

Generally eating is done in a sitting position. Not long after eating will stand. Some people experience a sudden drop in blood pressure when they stand up. When this happens, the problem is not with the food. But on changing positions from sitting to standing.

This is known as orthostatic hypotension or also known as head rush. In addition to the list of triggers already mentioned, other factors can also cause headaches after eating. These factors include dehydration, heart problems, pregnancy, exposure to excessive heat, and infection or fever.

Well, of the many triggers after eating kliyengan, have you ever experienced it? The best advice is to evaluate any changes in body condition. If it is repeated, please consult your doctor.