Sexually Active, These 5 Things Women Need To Know

JAKARTA – Knowledge related to sexuality needs to be understood carefully. The reason is, this is useful for establishing a minimal conflict relationship with a partner. According to Laurie Mintz, Ph.D., psychologist, author, and professor at the University of Florida, information about sexuality needs to be obtained in order to increase their sexual pleasure.

Reported by Psychology Today, Monday, March 7, based on a survey of more than 50,000 women, experience the orgasm gap. Because only 4 percent of women compared to 55 percent of men can reach orgasm the first time they have sex. Therefore, these things need to be known.

1. Focus on sexual desire personally

Many women judge themselves through the eyes of others. One reason is the bombardment of images with the assessment of 'sexy' or not. Every woman can stay focused on her personal sexual desires, without comparing with others.

2. Orgasm is not only from penetration

Too much emphasis on penetration is shown in order to get an orgasm. Incredible orgasms, according to Mintz's book, can be obtained as well as require clitoral stimulation. Either done alone when masturbating or combined with penetration.

In fact, during sexual intercourse with a partner, 78 percent of orgasm problems are due to not enough proper clitoral stimulation.

3. No need to feel guilty if you don't reach orgasm

As many have explored by experts, making love is not only about orgasm. Husband and wife relationship is a strategy to build and strengthen intimacy. That is, there is no need to be ashamed or feel guilty if you do not reach orgasm. If you experience it, you and your partner can explore and explore the body's sensitive points and the most appropriate positions for making out together.

4. Need communication in sexual relations

Most of us have little or no training in sexual communication. In fact, good communication is very necessary. This relates to how both can achieve the highest pleasure in love. One more thing according to Mintz, every woman has different needs. That is, can not be compared or used as a measure except to recognize what each needs.

5. Identify the body itself and the need for stimulation

Guidelines regarding sensitive points on the body need to be tried. This is because it will not work optimally if it is only conceptual without being put into practice. Mintz adds, knowledge of your body and communication skills assertively need to be owned by everyone in a partner.