Jokowi's Praise For Ganjar Pranowo: Thank You Governor, Central Java Vaccine Achievements Are Already High

SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo appealed to all regions to continue to accelerate the acceleration of vaccination. On the other hand, dealing with the increase in cases has also been accompanied by more hospital beds and centralized isolation.

This was conveyed by Ganjar, after attending a mass vaccination event in Sam Poo Kong which was attended virtually by President Joko Widodo, Thursday, February 17. Ganjar said that overall vaccination in Central Java went well.

"The first vaccine is 90.32 percent, the second is 72.35 percent equivalent to 20.784.304 and the third dose of vaccine is only 3.69 percent, Central Java is equivalent to 1.058.765," said Ganjar Pranowo in a written statement.

For the third dose of vaccine, Ganjar revealed areas with high achievements, including the cities of Semarang, Surakarta, Salatiga, and Tegal. Even in Semarang, the daily dose is 10.000 doses of vaccine.

"We will see if we talk about the third dose, this is indeed the City of Magelang, Semarang City, Surakarta City, Salatiga City, and Tegal City, the characteristics of these cities are all fast. It's quite high but there are still things that need attention," he said.

Ganjar said several regions, namely Purworejo, Magelang, Pemalang, Tegal, and Brebes regencies, had not achieved one hundred percent of the vaccine dose.

"Even though the number is already high, for example, Brebes 79.93, the others are above 80 percent, we ask for the vaccine to get one hundred doses," he said.

To that end, Ganjar encouraged a team from the Central Java Provincial Government with their vaccine car to move to help accelerate vaccination.

In line with vaccination, Ganjar also reported to President Jokowi regarding preparations in the regions to deal with increasing cases. Among other things, re-activating the centralized isolation area and using Delta variant countermeasures scenarios.

"We also reactivate the isolation area and the important thing is that today we are pursuing the vaccine, but the President was reminded not to forget to wear a mask," said Ganjar.

The event was attended by the Forkopimda of Central Java and the ranks of the Regional leadership coordination forum (Forkopimda) of Semarang City. President Jokowi in his message virtually appreciated the fast steps of the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, and the ranks in accelerating vaccines.

"Thanks to the Governor, Military Area Command (Pangdam), and Regional Police (Kapolda) for the achievements that have been continuously pursued in Central Java, especially the Mayor of Semarang, the most important thing is that the percentage for vaccination is high, then the process is maintained. I don't think Central Java will go up too high (the case). Thank you all," said the President.