DKI Distributes People's Business Loans For MSMEs Up To IDR 1 Trillion

JAKARTA - DKI Provincial Government through BUMD Bank DKI distributes people's business loans (KUR) for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the capital city. This KUR distribution is in collaboration with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary, Herry Djufraini, revealed that his party is targeting loans that can be disbursed to reach IDR 1 trillion in 2022.

"In 2022, Bank DKI targets to be able to distribute KUR of IDR 1 trillion to MSME players", said Herry in his statement, Monday, February 7.

The target recipients of this credit include existing debtors from Bank DKI, members of JakPreneur, and traders assisted by Perumda Pasar Jaya.

Herry revealed that the distribution of KUR was also carried out as one of Bank DKI's efforts to exceed the target of the macroprudential inclusion financing ratio (RPIM) which was set at 20 percent of the total loan and financing portfolio.

KUR targets who want to apply for credit need to include requirements in the form of an identity card (KTP), a taxpayer identification number (NPWP), and have business activity.

Herry hopes that the distribution of KUR by Bank DKI is expected to be one of the stimuli for economic growth in the country during the pandemic.

"The distribution of KUR is also a form of synergy between BUMD DKI Jakarta together with BUMN, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, and the Central Government to support the empowerment of MSMEs", he said.