Twitter Expands Downvote Feature Trial
JAKARTA - Twitter has expanded its newest reply feature, namely "downvote" for global users, after being developed since July 2021.
This feature is now available for the web version of Twitter and will expand to the iOS and Android versions. The presence of this feature globally was confirmed by a tweet from one of the official Twitter accounts @TwitterSafety.
In contrast to the "dislike" feature on YouTube, the presence of a "downvote" on Twitter is intended to help companies understand the content that users want.
Like a reaction, users can use the "downvote" reply feature by selecting that option which is available next to the "Like" option.
The presence of the "downvote" option will not change the order of replies on Twitter so that communication can run normally.
The number of replies with the "downvote" option will not be shown to the public or to users who get downvotes.
Twitter calls the presence of "downvotes" intended because some users often find replies or content that is too offensive or irrelevant that passes through its Twitter.
The presence of this feature will actually help users to avoid unwanted content and Twitter claims it as a way to increase the use of the Twitter application.