PAN: The Holocaust Museum In Minahasa Wounds The Hearts Of The Palestinian People

JAKARTA - The establishment of the Holocaust Museum which has just been inaugurated in Minahasa, North Sulawesi, has sparked a polemic. This is because Indonesia does not recognize the state of Israel.

This museum then became the spotlight of community organizations and the House of Representatives. Member of the House of Representatives from the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus, assessed that the establishment of the Holocaust museum in Tondano had hurt the hearts and feelings of the Palestinian people.

"Because the Indonesian people have always supported the independence and struggle of the Palestinian people from Israel's oppression", said Guspardi, Friday, February 4.

"Indonesia also has a historical debt to the Palestinian people, because Palestine was the first country to recognize Indonesia's independence", he continued.

The member of House of Representatives Commission II emphasized that Indonesia has never had diplomatic relations with Israel since the country was founded.

This is because the policy taken by Israel is not by the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely 'independence is the right of all nations and because of that, colonialism in the world must be abolished, because it is not by humanity and justice'.

Moreover, said Guspardi, the prolonged conflict between Palestine and Israel has not been resolved even to this day. According to him, this is because of the arbitrariness and cruelty, and injustice carried out by Israel itself.

"The UN has even labeled Israel as a Zionist state and has become one of the biggest child killer countries in the world", said Guspardi.

The PAN politician reminded that the Zionist movement which has succeeded in establishing the state of Israel by looting, looting, and colonizing the Palestinian people, is as evil as the Nazi Holocaust.

"The Holocaust Museum itself, if needed, is for Israel itself. As a party who claims to be a victim of atrocities by the Nazi army, it should be able to make Israel aware not to repeat the same mistakes to the Palestinian people", he explained.

Therefore, Guspardi emphasized, there is no urgency for the construction of the Holocaust museum in Tondano, Minahasa, North Sulawesi. What exists, he said, is that the existence of the museum is actually suspected as a form of provocative, tendentious, and has the potential to cause chaos in the community.

"It is also counterproductive to the attitude of the Indonesian government which supports and defends the Palestinian people from various atrocities committed by the Zionist Israel", he stressed.

"It would be nice if what was built as a museum that depicts the acts of violence and savagery of the Zionist Israel to the Palestinian nation and people", said Guspardi.