Mahfud MD Discussing With Ustaz Haikal Hassan

JAKARTA - At the weekend the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD discussed with Ustadh Haikal Hassan. Mahfud emphasized that friendship must be maintained.

“It was fun having discussions on the weekend morning with Ustaz Haikal Hassan. As long as we both have good intentions for the good of the community even though the choices are different, friendship, aka ukhuwwah, must be maintained. Innamal mu'minuna ikhwatun. Thank you for ziyaratikum, ”tweeted Mahfud MD via his Twitter account @mohmahfudmd, Saturday, September 5.

Mahfud included a photo with Haikal Hassan. There are several photos with the background of the painting of Mafhud with Gus Dur and 4 Coordinating Ministers with President Jokowi.

He admitted that he remained in touch with those who were considered 'critical' of the government. For Mahfud, good relations with many people must be maintained.

"I am active in friendship and have good relations with those who are 'considered critical'. For example, with Rizal Ramli, Syukri Fadholi, Kyai Muyyidin MUI, Busyro Muqoddas, Gatot Nurmantyo and others. So what? As long as we both have no evil intentions, we are young to be friends, ”said Mahfud.