Legislative Council Requests Public Participation To Be Clearly Regulated In Revision Of Law No. 12 Year 2011

JAKARTA - Member of the Legislative Council (Baleg) of the DPR RI, Lamhot Sinaga, requested the revision of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation (UU PPP) regulate in detail the norms of public participation.

"The important thing in the revision of the PPP Law is how public participation uses a qualitative approach, not quantitative," said Lamhot at the Baleg Plenary Meeting who listened to the DPR's Expertise Board (BK) explanation regarding the revision of Law No. 12 of 2011, at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 2nd.

He explained that if a quantitative approach is used, there will be confusion in the implementation process.

Lamhot gave an example when discussing the Job Creation Bill if using a quantitative approach, then all labor organizations must invite all labor organizations to discuss labor clusters.

"Therefore, it is important to incorporate a qualitative approach to use in norms related to public participation," he said.

Member of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, Guspardi Gaus, believes that the DPR BK needs to explain in detail the benchmarks for measuring the level of adequate public participation in the preparation and discussion of the bill.

This, according to him, is very necessary so that when the DPR is "attacked" by several parties related to the preparation of a bill, it can be refuted with arguments that have a strong legal basis.

"When I was a member of the Special Committee (Pansus) of the Draft State Capital Bill (IKN) there was an 'attack' against the Special Committee as if we did not involve public participation. Even though the Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) which was scheduled for three days was extended to five days," he said.

Member of the Legislative Council of the Republic of Indonesia Luluk Nur Hamidah said that public participation cannot negate the role of a group, such as women.

Therefore, he wants to know the general mechanism used to monitor the effectiveness of the enactment of a law or "post-legislative scrutiny" (PLS) and gender mainstreaming.

"This is at the same time our shared enthusiasm that the products of the law that are to be discussed must not ignore gender mainstreaming," he said.

Previously, at the DPR RI Baleg Plenary Meeting on Wednesday, the Head of the Indonesian House of Representatives Expertise Board (BK) Inosentius Samsul explained the material for the Draft Law on the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation (UU PPP) outlines the omnibus method and the improvement of the quality of public participation.

"The scope and direction of related regulations accommodate the omnibus method in drafting laws and regulations and clarifies more meaningful public participation or 'meaning full participation' in the planning, drafting, and discussion stages of laws and regulations," said Inosentius at the Legislation Body Plenary Meeting (Baleg) DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday.

He explained that several articles in the PPP Law had not yet become the legal basis for the formation of legislation using the omnibus method, namely Article 1, Article 42, and Article 64.

In addition, according to him, Article 96 of the PPP Law has not formulated a more meaningful concept of community participation.