UAE-Israel Normalization Leaves Polemic Over Translation Differences In The West Bank Annexation Agreement

JAKARTA - Palestine states that there are differences between the official English and Arabic versions of the statement following the historic flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). These differences suggest that the UAE exaggerates the news that Israel is canceling its plans to annex the West Bank.

The English version of the joint communique by the UAE, Israel and the United States said the West Bank annexation deal "led to the suspension of Israel's plans to extend its sovereignty." However, in the Arabic version, conveyed by the UAE state news agency WAM, said "the Israeli-UAE agreement caused Israeli plans to annex Palestinian lands to a halt."

Suspension and termination. Two things are clearly very different. The differences were highlighted by Palestinians after President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner flew with the US and Israeli delegations to the UAE. The historic flight from Tel Aviv to Abu Dhabi reinforces the normalization agreement.

"You compare the two versions of the statement ... (It is) a suspension of extension of sovereignty, not a halt to the annexation of Palestinian lands," said Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The UAE describes its deal with Israel, announced by Trump on August 13, as a means to stop Israel's annexation of West Bank land. The West Bank is expected to become a state for Palestine in the future.

Jamal Al-Musharakh, head of policy planning and international cooperation at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said the differences in words were simply a matter of translation. "If anyone can think of a better synonym than 'eeqaf' (stop) for 'suspend,' please let me know," he told reporters.

"One of the prerequisites for the start of bilateral relations is the end of annexation," said Musharakh.

However, Hanan Ashrawi, a senior PLO official, said it was a "forked tongue" attempt to sway public opinion in the Arab world.

Nothing changes

In a recent campaign, Israeli Prime Minister (PM) Benjamin Netanyahu promised to continue to apply Israeli sovereignty to the West Bank. But Netanyahu said he needed the green light from the US.

Speaking in Hebrew regarding the West Bank, Netanyahu said: There is no change in my plans to exercise sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, in full coordination with the US. I am committed, that will not change.

Keeping hopes of annexation alive is widely seen as an attempt by Netanyahu to placate his right-wing voter base. Settler leaders accused him of repeated annexation plans.

An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said nothing was added to the original August 13 statement. He said: As a result of this (UAE-Israel) diplomatic breakthrough Israel will suspend the declaration of sovereignty over the territories outlined in the President's Vision for Peace.

The White House declined to comment on the UAE travel communique. But a US source with knowledge of the matter said the White House was not responsible for the Arabic translation. During his trip to the UAE this week Kushner also used the word "suspend."

"Israel has agreed to suspend the annexation, to suspend the application of Israeli law in the area for the time being," said Kushner. "But in the future this is a discussion that I am sure will have. But not anytime soon. "