60 Employees Exposed To COVID-19, Ministry Of Social Affairs Office In Jakarta Implements Lockdown

JAKARTA - The head office of the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) Jakarta has been subjected to a regional lockdown to anticipate the spread of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus.

The lockdown was carried out following the finding of 60 employees at the Ministry of Social Affairs who tested positive for COVID-19 after the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) swab test at the Ministry of Social's offices and halls.

"All employees within the Ministry of Social Affairs underwent a PCR test. Those who were positive were given health services and isolation rooms under the supervision of doctors and health workers," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini or Risma in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, January 27.

Risma said the move was aimed at breaking the chain of virus spread while protecting the health and safety of employees. To ensure the office environment is sterile from viruses, disinfectant is sprayed throughout the room.

Spraying is also carried out on surfaces that are frequently touched, such as doorknobs, tables and chairs, and stair ramps.

In addition, further steps have been taken, namely implementing health protocols by wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds and delaying travel, tracing all employees and families exposed to COVID-19.

Next, the employees work day arrangement to work from home starting from this Thursday to Monday, January 31. For the implementation of urgent tasks, a limited number of healthy employees (negative PCR) can be carried out based on the assignment of the head of the work unit.

Regarding the third stage (booster) vaccination, employees who already have the stage-3 vaccine e-ticket are being identified. For acceleration, coordination has been carried out with the Ministry of Health.

Employees who are exposed to COVID-9 are given a package of medicines and vitamins at the Ministry of Social Polyclinic. If you need a place for self-isolation, Graha Atensi is provided at Balai Mulya Jaya and Balai Budi Darma Bekasi.

Despite imposing a number of restrictions, the Ministry of Social Affairs ensures that services to the community can still be carried out by implementing strict health protocols, such as the distribution of social assistance, said Tri Rismaharini.