Bobby Nasution Invites Catholic Students To Maintain Harmony

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution invited Catholic students to always maintain harmony, despite the differences in ethnicity, religion and culture in this area. "It can be said that Medan City is a miniature of Asia, because our brothers and sisters of various ethnicities live here. harmony and unity," Bobby said in Medan, Sunday 23 January.

In the midst of these differences, Bobby asked the students to participate in creating a safe and conducive harmony and unity in the capital city of North Sumatra Province. ethnic groups, namely Javanese 30.98 percent, Chinese 24.4 percent, Batak 23.58 percent, Minang 8.99 percent, Malay 7 percent and other ethnic groups 5.05 percent. "Young people, especially students, have an important role in the success of the program. - Medan City Government programs, especially harmony and unity," said Bobby. Kahiyang Ayu's husband hopes that the Medan Branch of the Indonesian Catholic Student Association (PMKRI) can collaborate and contribute with the Medan City Government. As is known, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution attended the Inauguration of the RUAC Mandate / Single Formator / Head of PMKRI Medan-Santo Bonaventura Branch 2021-2023 in Medan, Saturday (22/1). ace Indonesia. But don't forget unity, because we live in a frame of diversity," said Bobby.