Police Raid Shelters Of Prospective Illegal Migrant Workers In North Sumatra

MEDAN - Police officers raided a shelter for prospective Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) suspected of being illegal in Tanjungbalai City, North Sumatra.

"We have raided two locations, namely in the City Hall sub-district and the Datuk Bandar sub-district," said the Head of the Public Relations Sub-section of the Tanjungbalai Police, First Inspector Ahmad Dahlan Panjaitan, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 18.

The raid was carried out after his party received reports from the public who found illegal shelters.

Based on this information, the Tanjung Balai Police carried out an investigation and succeeded in finding the location of the shelter.

During the raid, officers arrested 11 prospective Indonesian migrant workers who were about to depart for Malaysia.

"Seven people from the first location and four people from the second location," he said.

The officers also arrested a person suspected of being the owner of an illegal PMI shelter with the initials R for further legal proceedings.

"This case is still being developed," said First Inspector Ahmad.