Prediction Of The Omicron Peak In Mid-February, Luhut: Although The Risk Is Lower Than Delta, We Must Avoid It

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a limited meeting at the State Palace, Jakarta, today. The Ratas discussed the Freezing of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) amidst the outbreak of the Omicron variant.

The government predicts that the peak of cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia will occur in mid-February to early March 2022.

"Reflecting on the Omicron case in South Africa, the peak of the wave will occur in mid-February or March 2022," said Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan in a virtual press conference, Sunday, January 16.

Looking at the cases and patterns of COVID-19, in the UK and South Africa have passed the peak of cases of the Omicron variant, and other countries have begun to look flat, such as in the US or France. Meanwhile, India, Thailand, the Philippines still have a fairly high increase in cases.

"Although the symptoms are milder and the risk of hospitalization is lower, but because the number of cases is higher than the delta variant, the number of hospitalizations and the UK death rate is higher than the delta, we must avoid this," he explained.

Regarding this, the Java and Bali PPKM Coordinator stated that the government would take mitigation steps so that the increase in cases that occurred was more gentle than other countries and did not burden the health system.

"The various steps are taken, enforcement of health procedures, and acceleration of vaccinations are very important, tightening mobility is the last option," said Luhut.

"We urge you, if you don't need 100 percent at the office, you don't need 100 percent to be present, just arrange it based on the situation, see 75 percent for the next two weeks, it can be done by an office assessment," he said.