In Order To Support PTM 100 Percent, Legislators Ask Teachers To Be A Priority To Get Booster Vaccines

JAKARTA - The chairman of Commission X of the House of Representatives (DPR), Syaiful Huda, encourages teachers and education personnel to get priority in giving booster vaccinations.

"We encourage teachers and education personnel to immediately get priority booster vaccinations. This aims to support the face-to-face learning (PTM) process", said Syaiful Huda in Jakarta, Thursday, January 13.

He added that the booster vaccination was very much needed to support 100 percent PTM which was already taking place in several areas. Moreover, in the midst of increasing cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in the country.

Several regions have organized 100 percent PTM. However, positive cases of COVID-19 were also found in schools. For example, at SMAN 71 Jakarta School, one student was found to be positive for the Omicron variant, which caused PTM to be temporarily suspended.

Booster vaccinations are organized by the government targeting people aged 18 years and over with priority for the elderly and immunocompromised patients.

Previously, the government released the implementation of booster vaccinations for the elderly target which was carried out simultaneously in all districts/cities. While the target for non-elderly is carried out in districts/cities that have reached a minimum dose 1 coverage of 70 percent and a dose coverage of 1 elderly at least 60 percent.

Prospective vaccine recipients show their NIK (Identity Card Number) by bringing their KTP/KK (Identity Card/Family Card). You can also register through the PeduliLindungi application.

Recipients of booster vaccination are aged 18 years and over and have received a complete primary dose of vaccination at least 6 months previously.

The booster vaccination is carried out through two mechanisms, namely the Homologous mechanism, namely the administration of a booster vaccine using the same type of vaccine as the complete primary vaccine that was previously obtained. Meanwhile, the heterologous mechanism is the administration of a booster vaccine using a different type of vaccine from the complete primary vaccine that was previously obtained.

The types of vaccines used include, for targets with the primary dose of Sinovac, the AstraZeneca vaccine, half dose (0.25 ml), or Pfizer vaccine, half dose (0.15 ml).

For targets with the primary dose of AstraZeneca, the half dose of Moderna vaccine (0.25 ml) or Pfizer vaccine, half dose (0.15 ml) were given.

The injection is done intramuscularly in the upper arm. Half dose injection is done using a 0.3 ml disposable syringe which has been marked with a dose size of 0.15 ml and 0.25 ml. For areas that have not received these single-use syringes, they can take advantage of those available.