Doddy Sudrajat Wants Vanessa Angel's Child Guardianship Rights, His Duty Is To Manage Wealth

JAKARTA - Doddy Sudrajat is trying to get the guardianship rights of Vanessa Angel's son. In the Guardianship and Custody Rights trial that was proposed by Faisal, at the West Jakarta Religious Court, about the guardianship rights of Gala Sky Andriansyah.

The third trial took place on Wednesday, January 12, with only representatives from Doddy's lawyers, Tegar Firmansyah and Rezky Bidadah. Tegar Firmansyah said Doddy was still fighting for his rights as a grandfather to be able to take care of the Gala.

The panel of judges gave time for mediation, but it seems that the mediation failed because Doddy was not willing to give guardianship to Faisal. He wants to share custody and custody rights. Doddy wants guardianship rights, while custody is handed over to Faisal.

"Yes, because Mr. Doddy after all he is his grandfather, he has the right to take care of Gala," said Doddy Sudrajat's attorney, Tegar Firmansyah after the third trial at the West Jakarta Religious Court.

So what does Doddy get if he gets guardianship rights? Quoted from the website, guardianship is the supervision of minors who are not under the control of their parents and the management of the child's objects or assets as regulated by law.

The emergence of a guardianship is caused by the termination of a marriage either due to death or due to a court decision and always brings legal consequences both to the husband/wife, children and their assets, especially to children who are still underage.

If Doddy Sudrajat becomes Vanessa Angel's guardian, he has the following obligations: - Taking care of the assets of the children under his guardianship; - Responsible for losses caused by poor management; - Organizing the maintenance and education of minors according to their assets and representing the child in all civil actions; - Carry out recording and inventory of the child's assets; - Holding accountability at the end of duty as a guardian.